Men er det noen måte å anslå hvor mye høyere det reelle antall smittede er sammenlignet med det som er innrapportert? The Economist skriver om dette i artikkelen "Almost one in five Americans may have been infected with covid-19". Der har de sett på USAs offisielle smittetall og laget en metode for å regne seg frem til hvor mange flere det er sannsynlig at har vært smittet.. De skriver:
"For a more realistic estimate of cases, The Economist took a novel approach. We obtained estimates of covid-19’s infection-fatality rate (the likelihood that infection will lead to death) by age and gender from a paper recently published in Nature, which combines death tallies and seroprevalence data (the proportion of blood samples with antibodies) from 22 studies. We then combined these with the total number of covid-19 deaths by age and sex per week in America, provided by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
Fordi statistikk alltid er litt forsinket, og i dette tilfellet er har statistikken over antall smittede et etterslep på noen uker, er det lagt til et beregnet ytterligere antall smittede de siste seks ukene. Mens de offisielle tallene viser at USA har passert 17 millioner smittede, litt over 5 prosent av befolkningen, viser The Economists beregninger at mer enn fire ganger så mange har vært smittet, eller 20 prosent av befolkningen i USA. De skriver:
"Our analysis suggests that between 18% and 24% of Americans have been infected so far, or between 60m and 82m people (see chart). This means that over the course of the pandemic, less than a quarter of infections have been recorded. This proportion has improved from just one in 12 cases being detected in March, to more than one in three now, consistent with the huge increase in testing. The overall number of infections is also consistent with national estimates of seroprevalence conducted this summer. Another study in the Lancet by researchers at Stanford University put America’s past infection rate at 9.3% in July. Since then, covid-19 deaths in the country have roughly doubled."
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