Pandemitretthet høres ut som en kandidat til årets "nyord", men er heldigvis ikke blitt det enda. Men faren for at vi kan oppleve økt spittespredning fordi vi er mindre flinke enn før til å holde avstand, vanske hendene og unngå store ansamlinger av folk er økende. Og ikke bare i Norge, men i stort sett alle land.
The Economist skriver om en undersøkelse gjort av meningsmålerne i YouGov der de har spurt folk i 24 land over hele verden fra mars og frem til nå om egne koronatiltak. I artikkelen "Pandemic fatigue may be setting in across much of the world" sammenligner de oppslutningen i april og september når det gjelder følgende tiltak: regelmessig vasking av hender, unngå steder med trengsel og ikke ta på ting på offentlige steder. Det er et merkbart fall i oppslutningen, men The Economist peker på at det er viktige geografiske forskjeller;
"Not everyone has become lax to the same degree. YouGov’s findings suggest that attitudes fall broadly into two camps. Respondents in Asian countries, such as China and Malaysia, as well as Middle Eastern countries such as Saudia Arabia and the UAE, exhibited high levels of support for pandemic-related safety measures, and support has fallen by just six percentage points, on average, over the past five months. In contrast, in western European, Nordic and North American countries compliance with social-distancing measures was lower in April, and has since fallen by 12 percentage points, on average.""If there is one thing people across the world increasingly agree on, it is the importance of masks. In western Europe and North America the share of people who say they wear a mask in public places has risen from an average of 27% in April to 75% in September. The president seemed to see discarding his mask as a gesture of triumph over the virus. But many will see it as one more demonstration of why Mr Trump’s leadership of the fight against it has been so flawed.".
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