USAs næringslivs holdning til økt toll |
Men er det ikke slik at mange i USAs næringsliv støtter Donald Trumps planer om økte tollsatser for å beskytte bedriftene mot konkurranse fra land med lavere kostnader? The Economist har undersøkt hva ulike næringslivsorganisasjoner i USA mener og fremstilte det de fant ut i grafen over. Som en ser er stort sett alle som snakker på vegne av næringslivet helt uenig i at det skal innføres nye og høyere tollsatser. I en artikkel om hva næringslivesorganisasjonene i USA mener, skriver The Economist dette:
"...some of the most potent resistance has come from within America. Metal users howled in protest against the new trade restrictions, some loud enough to help secure exemptions for Canada and Mexico. And on March 18th, 45 trade groups representing many of the country’s largest companies sent a letter urging the White House not to follow through on its plans to slap tariffs on up to $60bn of Chinese goods. (...) mongst the signatories of the letter were the 300,000-member United States Chamber of Commerce, which lobbies on behalf of ExxonMobil, Boeing and General Electric among other giants, and the National Small Business Association, which represents some 65,000 small business owners. Support for Mr Trump’s tariffs, meanwhile, has been limited. Only three major trade groups, which jointly include fewer than 150 firms, have come out in favour of new duties (see chart). A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the ratio of firms opposed to Mr Trump’s protectionism to those in favour may be as high as 3,000 to one."
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