onsdag 16. november 2022

Florida man makes announcement

Som nevnt her på bloggen nettopp er det ikke lenger noe hjertelig forhold mellom Ruper Murdoch og Donald Trump. Og Murdochs aviser, med New York Post i spissen, har hatt flere forsideoppslag som rakker ned på Trump og hans negative bidrag til den republikanske valginnsatsen nettopp.

Da Donald Trump kunngjorde at han skal stille som president igjen syntes imidlertid ikke New York Post at det fortjente en forside. Det ble i stedet en henvisning nederst på forsiden med teksten "Florida man makes announcement" til en notis på side 26 i avisen. Notisen har overskriften "Been there, Don that", og er full av sarkasmer:

"With just 720 days to go before the next election, a Florida retiree made the surprise announcement that he was running for president. In a move no political pundit saw coming, avid golfer Donald J. Trump kicked things off at Mar-a-Lago, his resort and classified-documents library. Trump, famous for gold-plated lobbies and for firing people on realtity television, will be 78 in 2024. If elected, Trump would tie Joe Biden as the oldest president to take office. His cholesterol levels are unknown, but his favorite food is a charred steak with ketchup. He has stated that his qualifications for office include being a “stable genius.” Trump also served as the 45th president."

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