Vinter-OL er i ferd med å starte i Kina og the Economist har i artikkelen "The secret to Winter Olympic success: cold or hard cash" sett litt på hvilke indikatorer som bidrar til å forklare hvorfor noen land vinner mange flere gullmedaljer i vinter-OLenn andre.
Og som tittelen antyder helper det å ha kaldt vær og mye snø. Slik som Norge, Canada og Russland. Lav gjennomsnittstemperatur er den viktigste variabelen. Men dersom et land ikke har kaldt vær, som Italia, Spania, Sør-Korea og Australia, land som gjør det ganske bra i enkelte vinteridretter, hjelper det veldig om landet bruker mye penger på satsingen. The Economist skriver:
"Norway, with a population of just 5.5m, is a Winter Olympics superpower. It has amassed 368 medals to date, more than any other country. Its climate (more snowy days than any other country in Europe) helps. So, too, does its long tradition of skiing: one of the earliest depictions of the activity is a stone-age petroglyph from Rødøya, a Norwegian island. A survey in 2013 found that 70% of Norwegians own a pair of cross-country skis. Warmer countries that buck the trend tend to spend big. An analysis by The Economist in 2021 found that a country’s share of world gdp was the best predictor of Summer Olympic glory. America does exceptionally well at the winter games, too. Italy, Spain and Australia command a higher share of global gdp than the vast majority of countries that compete in the Winter Olympics. They are also the only three countries with average temperatures above 13°C to have won medals."
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