8 av verdens 10 mest demokratiske land ligger i Vest Europa. Og øverst av alle ligger Norge. Det viser The Economist siste "Democray Index" som rangerer 167 land etter hvor demokratiske de er, basert på fem indikatorer;
"The annual survey rates the state of democracy across 167 countries on the basis of five measures with a maximum score of ten—electoral process and pluralism, the functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties. The latest edition finds that almost half (45.3%) of the world’s population live in a democracy of some sort, while more than a third (36.9%) live under authoritarian rule (see map)."Rett bak Norge finner vi New Zealand, men toppen av listen er dominert av nordiske land,. Island er nummer 3, Sverige nummer 4, Finland nr 5 og Danmark nr 6. Eller kan vi merke oss at Tyskland er nr 15, UK nr 18, USA nr 30, India nr 46, Russland nr 146, et fall på 22 plasser fra i fjor, og Kina er nr 156. De tre nederste på listen er Nord Korea, Afghanistan og Myanmar. Om toppen av listen skriver the Economist at:
"Western Europe, home to eight of the top ten countries in the index, was the only region to register a marked improvement in 2022. Its regional score rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, and Norway retained its long-held position at the top of the rankings, closely followed by four other Nordic countries. (New Zealand came second in the global ranking.) Turkey, the only “hybrid regime” in the region, has recorded a steep decline over the past decade, which reflects the increasingly autocratic rule of its president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan."
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