onsdag 21. desember 2022

Årets land: Ukraina

I fjor ble Italia litt overraskende kåret til årets land av The Economist. Fortjent, men ganske overraskende. Italia er et land der politikerne vanligvis sliter med å gjøre kraftfulle og nødvendige strukturelle endringer i styringen av landet og i forholdet mellom inntekter og utgifter, men i 2021 var Mario Draghi statsminister og det var en sjelden periode med god styring.

I 2022 er det derimot ingen overraskelser. Ukraina er årets land. Og det er helt opplagt, i følge The Economist:"...this year, for the first time since we started naming countries of the year in 2013, the choice is obvious. It can only be Ukraine. The honour normally goes to the country which, in our view, has improved the most in the previous 12 months. So Ukraine is in one sense an unusual choice, in that life for most Ukrainians has grown spectacularly worse since Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion of their country in February. Multitudes have died. Cities have been smashed and charred. Millions have fled their homes. Ukraine’s economy has shrunk by about a third. Because of Russian attacks, many Ukrainians are shivering in the dark without electricity. Yet Ukrainians have proved themselves this year. Four of their qualities stand out."

De fire egenskapene The Economist trekker frem, og som gjør valget helt opplagt er: heroismen, oppfinnsomheten, resiliensen (even til å stå imot) og even til å inspirere andre som kjemper mot en overmakt. Om Ukraina som global kilde til inspirasjon skriver The Economist:

"By standing up to Russia’s despot, Ukrainians have protected their neighbours. Had he conquered Ukraine, he might have attacked Moldova or Georgia next, or menaced the Baltic states. Ukraine has shown that underdogs can stand up to bullies, even enormous ones. It has thus been an inspiration not only to places with predatory neighbours, such as Taiwan, but also to oppressed people everywhere. Many tyrants broadcast big lies to justify their misdeeds, and impose their will through terror. Ukrainians have shown that lies can be exposed and terror can be resisted. Their struggle is far from over. But their example in 2022 was second to none. Slava Ukraini!"

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