Samarbeidet skal fremme digitalisering av offentlige tjenester på tvers av landegrensene, digitalisering i næringslivet og styrke utviklingen av et digitalt indre marked i regionen. Hver for seg er landene våre langt fremme i digitaliseringen av offentlige tjenester og ligger høyt på ulike internasjonale rangeringer. Men vi må jobbe hardt for å holde på denne posisjonen. Tanken er at vi ved å samarbeide tettere på en del konkrete områder vil kunne oppnå enda mer. Og at vi dessuten kan ta en tydeligere lederrolle i det europiske digitaliseringsarbeidet.
Teksten i ministererklæringen er her. Den er som man ser ganske mye mer konkret enn det som ofte kommer ut av internajsonale møter. Erklæringen løfter blant annet frem følgende samarbeidsområder innenfor området "cross border digital services"
- Enabling unique identity number usage across borders and facilitating cooperation between national infrastructures for the use of electronic authentication (eID) in accordance with the eIDAS-regulation.
- Promoting the re-use and free movement of data in order to support more advanced public service design that will reduce administrative burdens for citizens and businesses, and identifying key fields and building common infrastructures for data exchange within these fields.
- Promoting good public procurement practices, including wider use of electronic and innovative procurement within the framework of the EU single market.
- Ensuring that information security and personal data protection are fundamental to all digital solutions across the whole region.
Så er det flere punkter som handler om hvordan de nordiske og baltiske landene kan samarbeide for å øke bedriftenes konkurranseevne, blant annet disse:
- Contribute to realizing the potential of digital disruption, by opening up markets for new services through flexible and adaptable regulations.
- Market our region as an innovative and suitable location for test beds, and leverage the opportunities afforded by new or existing demonstration centers and digital startup hubs across the region, also by facilitating their connections and collaboration.
- Further promote ways for our academic institutions and technology companies to collaborate (incl. across the borders) to complement each other in terms of competences and capacity.
- Develop advanced ICT competencies by facilitating free movement of people within the framework of the European single market, and simplifying procedures for skills accreditation and use.
- Promote 5G and interoperability of various access technologies, including a combination of different fixed, terrestrial and satellite networks, in order to provide ubiquitous seamless coverage in cities as well as in remote land and sea areas.
- Capture the technological development in a manner that maintains levels of protection for workers’ employment conditions, including standards relating to health and safety in the workplace.
Siste del handler om hvordan Norden og Baltikum skal være pådriver for det digitale indre markedet i hele EU og EØS-området, og slår blant annet fast at vi sammen skal:
- Strengthen our region’s voice within the EU-/ EEA-area by, on identified and prioritized issues, exchanging ideas and developing analysis on policy initiatives with a particular focus on the early legislative phase and on national implementation of proposed EU legislation within the Digital Single Market area.
- Work together to abolish obstacles to the functioning of Digital Single Market, such as unjustified data localization restrictions and other regulatory obstacles.
- Promote the rollout of good practice solutions across the EU-/ EEA-area, in cooperation with the European Commission and other stakeholders.
Nå er det selvfølgelig ikke nok å vedta resolusjoner. Utfordringen i det videre arbeidet blir å konkretisere dette gjennom ulike samarbeidsprosjekter og felles tiltak som demonstrerer at vi også har nødvendig gjennomføringsevne.
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