Her er det en pussig sak fra musikkhistorien. I en film laget i 1980 som het "Roadie", og som svært få husker lenger, var det et innslag fra en konsert der Blondie spiller Johnny Cash "Ring of Fire":
Selve filmen hadde Meatloaf i hovedrollen som roadie. Som film betraktet skal den ha vært helt elendig, men det kan kanskje være verdt å se konsertklippene i filmen med flere kjente artister. Her er hva Amazon.com skriver om filmen "Roadie":
"One the strangest musical curiosities of the 1980s, Roadie stars Meat Loaf as a good ol' Texas boy who turns himself into the world's greatest roadie to win the heart of a teen-age groupie (Kaki Hunter). She, however, is obsessed with Alice Cooper, just one of the musical guest stars in this rock & roll road movie farce. Meat Loaf single-handedly saves concerts by Hank Williams Jr. and Roy Orbison (who duet on "The Eyes of Texas") and Blondie (who crank up "Ring of Fire") as well. Directed by Alan Rudolph, from a slapdash story he co-wrote with producer Zalman King (which surely qualifies as one of the most unlikely creative partnerships in film history), this high-energy cinematic jam is a raucous, disjointed goof. But only the comedy is played out of key. The music rocks."
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