torsdag 2. juni 2022

Elbil-omstillingen går for sakte

Det pågår en storstilt overgang fra fossildrevne biler til elektriske biler.  Som grafen til høyre viser er det en kraftig vekst i salgstallene globalt fra 2020 til 2021 Men som den venstre grafen viser er det likevel slik at det med unntak av Norge fortsatt selges flest bensin og dieselbiler i alle land. Endringene skjer ikke raskt nok. The Economist skriver:

"Some countries are transitioning quickly. Nearly nine in ten cars sold in Norway last year were electric, thanks to high taxes on ice cars and decent charging infrastructure. In the past five years the number of evs sold in Europe has grown at an average annual rate of 61%, making it the fastest-transitioning region of the world. Sales in China are speeding up too: last year evs accounted for 16% of total car sales; the Chinese market is so big that these amounted to half of global sales. But America, the world’s second-largest car market after China, is lagging behind. Less than 5% of the cars sold there last year were electric; half of them were made by Tesla. If governments are to meet their climate goals, sales of evs will have to accelerate rapidly. The 16m evs on the road today make up a minuscule share of the world’s 1.2bn mostly fuel-guzzling cars. At current rates the iea expects between 22% and 35% of car sales in 2030 to be electric. At best, by that point just 14% of the cars on the world’s roads will be evs."

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