onsdag 10. september 2008

Offentlige skoler og presidentkandidater

En lettere sjokkert Demokrat som blogger på New York Times "Education Watch" har sett litt på om presidentkandidatene foretrekker offentlige eller private skoler. Til egne barn vel og merke. Hun har vel antatt at demokrater sender barna til offentlige skoler mens republikanere kjøper seg dyre plasser på private skoler.

Vel, slik er det ikke helt. Sarah Palins barn har gått på den offentlige skolen Iditarod Elemantary på Fishook Road i Wasilla. Obamas skolevalg beskrives derimot slik:

So it is with huge grief-filled disappointment that I discovered that the Obamas send their children to the University of Chicago Laboratory School (by 5th grade, tuition equals $20,286 a year).

Og om Joseph Biden:

Meanwhile, Joseph Biden, the Amtrak senator, standing up boldly for the right to be a Roman Catholic, appears to have sent all three children to the lovely looking Archmere Academy in Delaware. Archmere’s Web site notes some public school districts allow Archmere students to use public school buses. Well, isn’t that great — your tax dollars at work in the great state of Delaware because with $18,000 a year in tuition, they can’t afford their own buses.

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